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Unit 5




Example of Student Work
Project Presentation & Reflection

Step 1

Embed your Project via Audio/Video Recording, Keynote Presentation, Prezi, Power Point, Google Slides,etc.


Step 2

  • Fill out the Presentation Rubric either in Notability or PFD(rotate clockwise)OR type a CSP code in your google doc


Step 3

Answer the following reflective questions:

  • Did you change your topic or focus during this project? If so, explain.

  • Were you able to stretch yourself to learn more on the topic or did you find that you relied only on what you already knew on the topic?

  • In what way have you grown and/or met your goals as a result of this project?

  • Describe the resources/information on your topic that were most helpful to your understanding of the subject.

  • Comment on your ability to follow your sequential step-by-step plan and your time management in preparing for this project.

  • Did you change the presentation format you planned in the proposal or did it remain the same?

  • Did your predicted elements of success from your proposal match the outcome of the project?

  • What was the greatest benefit/most rewarding aspect of this project?

  • Describe specific challenges, disappointments or regrets related to the project process and/or product.

  • If given the opportunity to re-do this project what aspects might you change?


Step 4

  • Fill out the Reflection Rubric either in Notability or PDF(rotate clockwise)OR type a CSP code in your google doc


Step 5

  1. Describe their project

  2. Was their topic new or familiar to you?

  3. Cite 1 take away you had from their project


Assessment Framework

Completely=5, Sufficiently=3, Partially=1, Total=60

  • Demonstrated Related Topic

  • Demonstrated Learning/Mastery of Topic

  • Demonstrated Attention to Detail Free of Factual Error

  • Demonstrated Application of Research via Supporting Materials

  • Demonstrates Flow, Sequencing of Material and Organization

  • Reflected-Question/Topic

  • Reflected-Multiple Sources 

  • Reflected-Sequence & Timeline

  • Reflected-Process & Growth

  • Completed Presentation Rubric

  • Completed Reflection Rubric  

  • Completed Peer Reflection


Performance Preparation

Step 1

Review your Unit 1 Midterm Goal responses to the following questions

  • Describe 5 things that you hope to know about your instrument or voice

  • List 5 tools and/or resources that you can use to achieve this knowledge

  • Describe 5 things that you hope to demonstrate using your instrument or voice

  • List 5 tools and/or resources that you can use to achieve these skills​​

  • Design a 7 week micro plan outlining what you will be doing to gain knowledge and build skills​

  • How will you measure your success and achievement?  In other words, how will you know you gained knowledge and built skills?


Step 2

Consider HOW you will demonstrate your acquired knowledge & skills for the Midterm(video, Prezi, Keynote, Powerpoint, ThingLink, Google Slides, etc.)



To receive credit for this assignment please submit the URL of your Unit 5 ePortfolio in On-Campus by the indicated due date

Screenshot 2019-12-30 21.00.30.png


Julie Freebern 

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