Unit 5
Example of Student Work
Project Presentation & Reflection
Step 1
Embed your Project via Audio/Video Recording, Keynote Presentation, Prezi, Power Point, Google Slides,etc.
Step 2
Fill out the Presentation Rubric either in Notability or PFD(rotate clockwise)OR type a CSP code in your google doc
Step 3
Answer the following reflective questions:
Did you change your topic or focus during this project? If so, explain.
Were you able to stretch yourself to learn more on the topic or did you find that you relied only on what you already knew on the topic?
In what way have you grown and/or met your goals as a result of this project?
Describe the resources/information on your topic that were most helpful to your understanding of the subject.
Comment on your ability to follow your sequential step-by-step plan and your time management in preparing for this project.
Did you change the presentation format you planned in the proposal or did it remain the same?
Did your predicted elements of success from your proposal match the outcome of the project?
What was the greatest benefit/most rewarding aspect of this project?
Describe specific challenges, disappointments or regrets related to the project process and/or product.
If given the opportunity to re-do this project what aspects might you change?
Step 4
Fill out the Reflection Rubric either in Notability or PDF(rotate clockwise)OR type a CSP code in your google doc
Step 5
Describe their project
Was their topic new or familiar to you?
Cite 1 take away you had from their project
Assessment Framework
Completely=5, Sufficiently=3, Partially=1, Total=60
Demonstrated Related Topic
Demonstrated Learning/Mastery of Topic
Demonstrated Attention to Detail Free of Factual Error
Demonstrated Application of Research via Supporting Materials
Demonstrates Flow, Sequencing of Material and Organization
Reflected-Multiple Sources
Reflected-Sequence & Timeline
Reflected-Process & Growth
Completed Presentation Rubric
Completed Reflection Rubric
Completed Peer Reflection
Performance Preparation
Step 1
Review your Unit 1 Midterm Goal responses to the following questions
Describe 5 things that you hope to know about your instrument or voice
List 5 tools and/or resources that you can use to achieve this knowledge
Describe 5 things that you hope to demonstrate using your instrument or voice
List 5 tools and/or resources that you can use to achieve these skills​​
Design a 7 week micro plan outlining what you will be doing to gain knowledge and build skills​
How will you measure your success and achievement? In other words, how will you know you gained knowledge and built skills?
Step 2
Consider HOW you will demonstrate your acquired knowledge & skills for the Midterm(video, Prezi, Keynote, Powerpoint, ThingLink, Google Slides, etc.)
To receive credit for this assignment please submit the URL of your Unit 5 ePortfolio in On-Campus by the indicated due date