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Zoom Instructions

  • Join Link 

  • Meeting ID: 677 314 2646

  • PW=music


Orientation â€‹â€‹


Getting to Know You

1. Select Your Course

2.  Click on Unit 1

3.  LOGIN(Do Not Sign Up) using​

4.  Add to Bookmarks


Create your ePortfolio

1.  Create a  Google Folder with Your Course Name(Could be a Wix, Jimdo, etc.)

2.  Share the Folder w/ 


  • Getting Started

  • Unit 1

  • Unit 2

  • Unit 3

  • Unit 4

  • Unit 5

  • Midterm

  • Unit 6

  • Unit 7

  • Unit 8

  • Unit 9

  • Final







Step 1


Step 2

  • Copy and paste the following 30 self regulation statements in your Getting Started Google Doc

  • Respond to the statements as honest as possible by indicating true or false(please bold or color responses)

  1.  I am aware of my intellectual strengths and weaknesses.

  2. I am able to know what kind of information is most important to learn.

  3. I am good at organizing information.

  4. I know what the teacher expects me to learn.

  5. I am good at remembering information.

  6. I have control over how well I learn.  

  7. I am a good judge of how well I understand something.

  8. I learn more when I am interested in the topic.

  9. I try to use strategies or learning techniques that have worked for me in the past.

  10. I am aware of the methods that I am using when I study.

  11.  I use different learning strategies depending on the situation.

  12. I use my intellectual strengths to compensate for my weaknesses.

  13. I know when each strategy I use will be most effective.

  14. I slow down when I encounter important information.

  15. I draw pictures, diagrams and take notes to help me understand while learning.

  16. I try to translate new information into my own words.

  17. I ask myself if what I’m reading is related to what I already know.

  18. I try to break studying down into smaller steps.

  19. I ask myself periodically if I am meeting my goals.

  20. I consider several alternatives to a problem before I answer.

  21. I find myself analyzing the usefulness of strategies while I study.

  22.  I ask myself questions about how well I am doing while learning something new.

  23. I ask others for help when I don’t understand something.

  24. I am persistent when working on a challenging problem.

  25. I re-evaluate my assumptions when I get confused.

  26. I stop and reread or re-view material when I get confused.

  27. I know how well I did once I finish a test.

  28. I ask myself if there was an easier way to do things after I finish a task.

  29. I ask myself how well I accomplish my goals once I’m finished.

  30. I ask myself if I learned as much as I could have once I finish a task.


Step 3​
  • Based on the outcome of the Self Regulation Inventory 

A.  Provide a summary of your perceived areas of strengths and areas of needed improvement for the true/false questions


B.  Provide the ratio of true to false out of 30

Step 4​
Course Benchmark Goals
Copy & Respond to the following questions:
  • Why did you choose to take this course?

  • What are three things you would like to achieve in order to count your semester as successful?

  • How motivated are you to achieve these goals?

  • How will you increase your motivation if it becomes low during the course of the semester?

  • What strategies can you use to achieve your goals?

  • What might interfere with your achievement and how can you prevent this interference?


Step 5

Read the General Self Assessment to ponder your predicted areas of strengths and areas of needed improvement


Example of Student Work: HERE


Example of Micro Plan: HERE


Examples of Student ePortfolios: Anna, Sabayo, Hayden, Casey, Miles, Zane, Olivia


Step 6

Checklist for Desktop Users

1.  Save your work

2.  Log out of GOOGLE, On Campus,  etc.

3.  Drag desktop stuff to a personal folder or trash

4.  Drag documents/downloads to trash

5.  Log off using the dropdown apple

6.  Hang up headphones/take/replace covers

7.  Disinfect/wipe down stations

8.  Push and tuck


Checklist for Guitar Users

1.  Return guitars to Studio D: racks, floor stands or wall hooks

2.  Return picks & capos to Studio D: jar/music stand

3.  Check/replace humidification systems

4. Detach patch cords from amps, coil and leave on top of the amplifier

5.  Report any damage/repairs needed prior to leaving


Checklist for Piano Users

1.  Clean the keys with the specially labeled wipes

2.  Use a damp paper towel or duster to clean the casing

3.  Close the lid and push in bench/stool

4.  Check/replenish humidification systems



Checklist for Practice Room Use

1.  Keep lights on at all times

2.  Keep room capacity to a minimum

3.  See Julie or Nick to reserve spaces during flex block, before or after school

4.  No food/water only


Assessment Framework

Completely=5, Sufficiently=3, Partially=1, Total=20

  • Administered the Self Regulation Inventory

  • Reflected on Inventory & Work Habits 

  • Identified a goal which they found interesting and testable based on their own understanding of skills needed for mastery

  • Reflected on achievement obstacles and strategies



To receive credit for this assignment please submit the URL of your Getting Started ePortfolio in On-Campus by the indicated due date



Julie Freebern 

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